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Customer Engagement Is Key

Customer Engagement is a business communication connection between a customer and a business i.e. product/service provider (source- Wikipedia). It is also a means by which businesses can build an emotional relationship with customers which leads to customer loyalty and advocacy.

I stumbled on this email banner (swipe left to see original image) and felt immediately that Meadow Hall School has demonstrated their interest in the performance of pupils/students attending the school both in and out of the school premises and that is GREAT!

With a caption like ‘5 Tips To Get Your Children Organized & Focused In School”, Meadow Hall School has demonstrated true customer understanding and it resonates with me as a parent + I form a perception about the school.

So down to the how, how do you build this kind of engagement with your customers? Here are a few tips to help and there are generic steps 
1)     Get your customers’ contact details. You cannot engage them if you don’t know how to reach them
2)     Collate all your customers’ frequently asked questions (FAQs). What are some of the questions or complaints your customers have asked both you and your entire team? Put that all together and map your customers’ fears, needs and wants
3)     Do you have any answers? Focus on answers that address these queries beyond your product or service. They may not be your original content but what’s important is that you are collaborating to provide valuable information for your customer
4)     Plan/Design an engagement calendar. You have to plan this properly so you don’t clog your customers’ emails with so many messages especially as you also need to send product/service specific messages. You can plan for 3 months, to begin with
5)     Speak to your customers and get their feedback. Check randomly periodically to see if the information shared is valuable and if there is any other information you need to share or what their preferred communication channel is
6)     Repeat the process! Get insights from feedback and improve overall all

I hope this helps. It’s the holidays and as businesses are prepped up for the season leading into the year 2019, it’s a great time to engage your customers. 

Need professional help defining and designing your customer engagement strategy? Contact Neetch Company today to speak with a CX Consultant via email:  or telephone +2348023245490.

Have a good one! 
